Re: [orca-list] 2 Orca issues

Hi all.

Wow, I see y'all have been busy while I slept (turns out I needed more
than a mere nap). I'm glad you were able to track this issue down and
verify it. As Hermann very correctly observed, I do not have Webvisum
installed. And it would not have dawned on me that it was causing focus
to change. Without your work on this front, I would have spent hours
today trying to work out what the heck was going on. Thanks guys!! I'll
see about adding Webvisum to my to-do/to-install list.

As for this comment by Nolan:

I'll experiment with that for a day or so just to be sure, and will 
pester the Webvisum folks if someone hasn't already beaten me to it. 

Awesome. If their issue tracker is public, I sure wouldn't mind a link
to any bug you file against Webvisum which impacts Orca. As you all
know, we track such bugs with "[blocked]" bugs in GNOME's bugzilla.

Take care.

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