Re: GNOME3 & 3D Compatibility [Was: Applications Compatibility]

On 5/25/2011 5:57 PM, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
Allen, you would have noticed i gave examples as to where
>  gnome-shell/mutter was anything BUT robust. One trip to youtube and
>  watching gnome-shell reviews will show you that it isn't as robust as
>  you think.
I've watched you-tube videos and local videos in GNOME3 with no issues
at all.  Cheese also works without incident.

It is important to note here that the built-in 3D effects in GNOME Shell is not the real issue, the issue is how the shell treat 3D applications regardless of the GPU driver it uses. But I am confident that any issues will be fixed in the future especially for users of 3D apps.


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