Re: Sozi integration

Am 15.01.2015 um 23:44 schrieb Paul Chavent:
On 01/14/2015 09:40 PM, Hans Breuer wrote:
Please reconsider the importance of the message first. IMHO dumping
random stuff to the console is almost never a good idea.
The message should be less verbose now.

OK, but the stuff within defined(SOZI_PATH) should be revisited for three reasons:
 1) if all external files would be missing there will be
    four message_error()
 2) the external_sozi array is sized wrong, best leave out the size
 3) the hardcoded SOZI_PATH wont work with free installation path

Now I see rotation to be also implemented by move_handle modifiers. I've
experimented with more advanced move_handle functionality with "Standard
- Path" and basically dropped all these to make it work properly. See:
     git log lib/standard-path.c
I feel very unconfortable with the context menu for controling the
rotation. I feel better with the shift key for smoothly controling the
So, i suggest a patch that adds the modifier parameter to the move_handle
undo context.

OK, nice idea by the way ;-)

>> [...]
  - together with the fix for move_handle() this makes Sozi object
    creation much more natural

I pushed 3 new patches

Now pushed to master.

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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