Re: Sozi integration

Am 13.01.2015 um 22:34 schrieb Paul Chavent:
On 01/11/2015 10:45 PM, Hans Breuer wrote:
There seem to be some more bugs:
  - g_warning("sozi-object : use builtin player");
    When running Dia in a debugger and with --g-fatal-warnings
    that's triggering a breakpoint. If it is a message for the
    user use message_warning. I've turned this specific one into
    #pragma message() - the other occurences need to be checked.
I would like to use two kind of message : debug (less invasive, a simple
text on stdout in debug mode would be enough),
There is no dedicated debug mode defined in code, but you might want to use dia_log_message(), which is printing to console with command line parameter --verbose.

error (on stderr for instance)
Two kinds of errors need to be distinguished:
 - progammer's error: use g_warning()
 - "user's" error: if there is a DiaContext available use
   dia_context_add_message() otherwise message_warning() or message_error()

I've tried message_notice and message_error, but i think that the popup
will be annoying.
If the user can not do anything useful with the information, yes. Maybe it's not important enough to be shown at all?

What do you suggest ?
Please reconsider the importance of the message first. IMHO dumping random stuff to the console is almost never a good idea.

  - Undo for "Sozi - Frame" handles does not work (at least with
    frre aspect). Need move_handle() needs to be reversible, i.e.
    moving to the previous postions needs to restore the object.
I used to check the "reason" of move_handle to be HANDLE_MOVE_USER, but it
seems to be HANDLE_MOVE_USER_FINAL when done with undo.
So i removed the check of "reason" and it works better.
Yes, no other object implementation restricts movement by the parameter 'reason'. I have added a corresponding comment to object.h.

I still have a problem to undo rotations. The modifiers aren't passed when
called from undo.

Now I see rotation to be also implemented by move_handle modifiers. I've experimented with more advanced move_handle functionality with "Standard - Path" and basically dropped all these to make it work properly. See:
        git log lib/standard-path.c

  - handle directions are off (visible by the direction of the
    mouse cursor)
I'm not sure to understand what you mean. I've the mouse cursor that change
when overing handles (see attachment).

Trying to reproduce I've only seen it with rotated "Sozi - Frame".
Other objects supporting rotation have similar issues, see e.g. "Standard - Outline". Currently I have no suggestion how to overcome this.

BTW Rotation:
My newest sozi-test.dia is using different rotatable objects to undo that rotation via Sozi. Now I've noticed some inconsitency between the user visible angle between different object implementations. Sozi, Standard-Image and Standard-Text are using the same representation, but Group and Standard-Outline are using two different variants. Did you use one of the existing objects as example. Or is clockwise just the most expected option?

To be continued ;)

Your help is welcome, thanks.
Here is some more ;-)
 - the create functions should return the second handle
   (see attached patch)
 - together with the fix for move_handle() this makes Sozi object
   creation much more natural


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

Attachment: sozi-test.dia
Description: application/dia

Attachment: sozi-2015-01-14-hb.diff
Description: Text document

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