Re: Sozi integration

Hi Paul,
Am 05.01.2015 um 15:47 schrieb Paul Chavent:

Following this old thread (, I
would like to re-submit a patch that brings "Sozi"
( to Dia.

The patch adds a "Sozi" sheet with "Frame" and "Media" objects.

Thanks for the resubmission. I've extracted the latest patch
from [1], reverted the deletion of doc/e?/dia.1 and committed
it to my local master. After small fixes to build on win32,
I've added a Sozi layer to render-test.dia (attached).

The media allows to insert video/audio in a presentation. I haven't
extensively tested this object yet.

Me neither. If it does not work out the single "Sozi - Frame" might need to get moved back to the Misc sheet?

Feel free to give any feedback if your are interested.

So far I've only found minor issues, so this basically looks
ready to push to master.

Issues found so far:
  - sozi-frame copy does not copy properties like text color
  - apparently bounding box calculation is not completely correct
    with rotation (try to "rubber-band" selecting sozi-frame #6)
  - with sozi-frame

I've also revisited that old threads loose ends, namely:
 - sozi player as external dependency? [2]
   => OK: now solved as optional in
 - px as font size unit [3]
   => Seems not to be needed anymore?
 - automatic sequence number generation [4]
   => Same as before, but should be acceptable for the first
      version included.

Did I miss something?



-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

Attachment: render-test-sozi.dia
Description: application/dia

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