Re: Is there any way to kill a seahorse?

It doesn't actually work that way.  Your machine communicates with other hosts all the time, and those hosts *can* use the out-bound connections you create.  But this isn'tthe forum to discuss basic network security;  just know that I've sat through numerous presentations and demos about how to exploit machines that do not permit inbound connections -  it is often easier than you think.

robotic intruder is going to guess my /path/to/my/password/db.txt
In the end, I do not want to have passwords demanded of me
by some I-know-better-than-you-do password manager,
either when I login or when I visit web sites.

What if the robotic intruder decided to add an ssh key to ~/.ssh and add a cronjob to wget a certain php script somewhere out there on the web to show the attacker your ip? 
I can now manually ssh in to your user and you can be damn sure I'll find your text file!

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