Re: Is there any way to kill a seahorse?

On 04/11/12 13:55, Michael Stephenson wrote:
Seahorse requires your password to decrpyt the stored passwords.
 Without the password decypting the stored passwords is impossible.
However if you have a blank password for gnome keyring the stored
 passwords will not be encrypted. Since you log in with no password
 and don't seem to be concerned about the security of the passwords
 stored in your home folder you might swell open seahorse and
 change the password to a blank one.

One slight drawback:  If, say, some app that I use were to become
a virus vector, where I keep my database of sites and passwords
is pretty much unguessable.  An unencrypted, standardized tool's
database is not so obscure.  So, I don't want seahorse keeping my
passwords, thank you very much.  I'll "vi" my private database.

I now go back to my initial question, how do I get this beast
off of my system forever?

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