Re: Is there any way to kill a seahorse?

On 2012-04-12 01:36, Bruce Korb wrote:
> One slight drawback:  If, say, some app that I use were to become
> a virus vector, where I keep my database of sites and passwords
> is pretty much unguessable.  An unencrypted, standardized tool's
> database is not so obscure.  So, I don't want seahorse keeping my
> passwords, thank you very much.  I'll "vi" my private database.
> I now go back to my initial question, how do I get this beast
> off of my system forever?

Hmmm. Interesting question. Normally GNOME is taken a whole. But if I
was in your situation I might do one of:

$ sudo yum remove gnome-keyring
$ sudo apt-get remove gnome-keyring
$ (your choice of package manager remove command)

This removes the gnome-keyring-daemon which stores the passwords. You
can also remove the gnome-keyring-pam package.

Applications will probably have some errors if they can't store
passwords. But in those cases applications would need to be individually
fixed. You could file bugs or patches against applications that
misbehave when they get back an error after trying to store their passwords.

It also looks like the package managers for gnome-keyring have gotten
the dependencies wrong. Applications should depend on the
libgnome-keyring package, and not gnome-keyring itself. Although it's
not strictly my responsibility, I can help solve this filing some bugs
and/or alerting package maintainers.

But in the mean time you may need to persuade your package manager to
remove gnome-keyring without removing its dependencies.

Obviously this isn't configuration GNOME supports. So YMMV. HTH.



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