Re: [orca-list] [Testers wanted before the official release] Slint64-4.2.1 release candidate is accessible.


Le 26/10/2017 à 19:14, Peter Vágner a écrit :
Yes arch linux also includes all the accessibility stuff in the
/etc/profile.d. I was thinking about it but I have never suggested it
as I was not sure it's appropriate for slint too.

It's up to us all to decide what's appropriate for Slint ;)

If that doesn't hurt we could set these parameters in /etc/profile.d/
as this won't hurt users who don't want speech as long as orca is
not started, right?

Also I like an approach where you will use
~/.config/autostart/startorca.desktop as a check instead of

Actually we won't have to check anything, if orca is started by
~/.config/startorca.desktop and the parameters are already set in

However I am not sure on the
desktop entry line. I think this won't disable the app from starting. It
will only hide it from the menus won't it?

This is the main effect, but it also prevents autostart
as stated by the Desktop Application Autostart Specification:
cut here
When the .desktop file has the Hidden key set to true, the .desktop
file MUST be ignored. When multiple .desktop files with the same name
exists in multiple directories then only the Hidden key in the most
important .desktop file must be considered: If it is set to true all
.desktop files with the same name in the other directories MUST be
ignored as well.
cut here

If we end up putting startorca.desktop only in ~/.config/autostart/
not in /etc/xdg/autostart, this will still be useful, e.g; if the user
wanats to disable speech for som reason but alos easily get it back. 

Also I think xdg stuff should be configured the same way no mather if
accessibility is requested or not.

Yes if that has no adverse effect for users who do not want speech
which I assume. i will make some tests to be sure.

Also, as if I understand well lightdm is accessible with orca, lighter
and with less dependencies than recent versions of gdm, I will try it
with a gtk greeter.

Of course I'll let you know the outcome.


2017-10-26 18:41 GMT+02:00 Didier Spaier <didier slint fr>:

Hello Jude,

Le 26/10/2017 à 17:55, Jude DaShiell a écrit :
I like your second possible solution.  Sighted users on the
debian-users list complained loudly when a single beep was included to
let everyone know when it was time to enter boot parameters in a
debian boot so that got removed.  This will accommodate them and us.

Yes. And maybe even better....

Do put startorca.desktop in ~/.config/autostart but also put the a11y
parameters settings in ~/.profile like this:
cut here
export PAGER=/usr/bin/most
export XDG_CACHE_HOME=/dev/shm/$(whoami)
mkdir -p /dev/shm/$(whoami)
chmod 700 /dev/shm/$(whoami)
export LOGNAME="GDM"
export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN="gtk"
export GTK_MODULES="gail:atk-bridge" # for GTK2
export QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1 # for QT4
cut here

This way we wouldn't have to modify any xinitrc.*, so an user adding a
third party graphical environment would get speech and or braille
without having to do a post install configuration.

I have made a few tests, that seems to work.

Other benefit, this makes graphical environments also accessible in run
level 4, i.e. using a display manager.

This is an incentive for me to get gdm to be accessible in Slint. If I
can succeed, maybe we could pretend that Slint is as much
accessible as a Linux distribution can be...



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