Re: [orca-list] [Testers wanted before the official release] Slint64-4.2.1 release candidate is accessible.


Yes arch linux also includes all the accessibility stuff in the /etc/profile.d . I was thinking about it but I have never suggested it as I was not sure it's appropriate for slint too.
Also I like an approach where you will use ~/.config/autostart/startorca.desktop as a check instead of ~/.config/startorca.
However I am not sure on the
desktop entry line. I think this won't disable the app from starting. It will only hide it from the menus won't it?
Also I think xdg stuff should be configured the same way no mather if accessibility is requested or not.



2017-10-26 18:41 GMT+02:00 Didier Spaier <didier slint fr>:
Hello Jude,

Le 26/10/2017 à 17:55, Jude DaShiell a écrit :
> I like your second possible solution.  Sighted users on the
> debian-users list complained loudly when a single beep was included to
> let everyone know when it was time to enter boot parameters in a
> debian boot so that got removed.  This will accommodate them and us.

Yes. And maybe even better....

Do put startorca.desktop in ~/.config/autostart but also put the a11y
parameters settings in ~/.profile like this:
cut here
export PAGER=/usr/bin/most
export XDG_CACHE_HOME=/dev/shm/$(whoami)
mkdir -p /dev/shm/$(whoami)
chmod 700 /dev/shm/$(whoami)
export LOGNAME="GDM"
export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN="gtk"
export GTK_MODULES="gail:atk-bridge" # for GTK2
export QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1 # for QT4
cut here

This way we wouldn't have to modify any xinitrc.*, so an user adding a
third party graphical environment would get speech and or braille
without having to do a post install configuration.

I have made a few tests, that seems to work.

Other benefit, this makes graphical environments also accessible in run
level 4, i.e. using a display manager.

This is an incentive for me to get gdm to be accessible in Slint. If I
can succeed, maybe we could pretend that Slint is as much
accessible as a Linux distribution can be...



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