Re: [orca-list] Wine apps in Orca?

Hi Jason,

On 6/27/12, Jason White <jason jasonjgw net> wrote:
this isn't the right list for such a discussion, but you could write one, have
the users cover your expenses, and then put it under the GPL as soon as it has
recovered its development costs.

Perhaps, but development costs aren't my only consideration here.
There is the issue of intellectual copyrights to consider here. If I
create a game with various characters, a extensive back story, etc I
want to be able to control how those copyrights are used. Therefore
how I license the software and the ideas has to be carefully
considered before hand.

Don't get me wrong. I like the open source model when it comes to
general software, being able to share software with the community, but
its a two edged sword. I have a wife and son and one way I make a
living is by writing software. If I give everything away for free I
can't put food on the table. If I have an idea that may sell, make a
few thousand, I could put towards bills that covers my living
expenses, then I need to consider some sort of commercial license
anyway.  I guess you can say it is the practicality of open source vs
real life expenses and a need to make a living. As you say this
probably isn't the forum to discuss this aspect of the software
development side of things.


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