Re: [Muine] New release soon?

On Fri, 2006-01-20 at 10:47 -0800, Peter Johanson wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 20, 2006 at 01:26:46PM +0100, Oliver Lemke wrote:
> > 
> > I think the scrobbler plugin is also confused because when the
> > SongChangedEvent is fired, the player.Position is still pointing to the
> > end of the last song. That's why muinescrobbler thinks the song started
> > late and is not submitting it:
> AHA! Now that does seem like a bug to me. It certainly seems to make
> sense that the position should be reset to 0 *before* the SongChanged
> event (which is certainly what happened previously in muine). However,
> accomplishing this without first getting a tick event at position 0 may
> actually require some trickery (maybe not, i'm at work and don't have
> the code in front of me right now).
> Any reason not to try to fix this so the position==0 when the
> SongChanged event happens?

Just inserting a player.Position=0 before firing the SongChangedEvent
works... sort of. ;-) When the property player.Position is set to zero,
a TickEvent is fired before the SongChangedEvent. Actually not what we
want, right? :-(

Side effect of this is that the GabouPlugin segfaults because it expects
a SongChanged event before the first TickEvent to initialize the
currentSong variable.

so long,

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