Re: [Muine] NEW PRE-RELEASE: 0.8.4pre1

On Fri, Jan 20, 2006 at 12:03:27PM +0100, Joachim Beckers wrote:
> 1. I just built it, and it runs fine so far. All problems I ever had are 
> fixed (that is: no random crashes, it actually generates a song db, it 
> fetches covers and there's no clicking sounds in the background). Great 
> work!

Excellent. Thanks for the speedy testing, and great feedback. Responses

> 2. Although the build went fine, make did return some warings, mostly this:
> warning CS0618: `Mono.Posix.Catalog' is obsolete: `Use Mono.Unix.Catalog'
> A search/replace will probably fix those, or is this a problem on my 
> system only?

This stuff got moved to the new location at some point in the mono
release cycle. It's non-critical at this point, until Jon Pryor decides
to remove the old locations. I need to dig up when the new location for
Catalog was put in place, and figure out if it's reasonable to depend on
at least that mono version for muine, so the change can be commited to
CVS (and yes, it's an easy change once it's decided we should do it).

> 3. I don't know if the muinescrobbler problem is fixed in my case, 
> because I can't build it. I've e-mailed the muinescrobbler author for 
> advice.

Yeah, see the SongChange discussion in the "New release soon?" thread.
Seems we're *almost* there with getting the behavior for these events

> 4. An update to the website would be nice. Almost all links to plugins 
> are broken for instance. Is the website in cvs somewhere? I could fix it 
> when I have some spare time.

It is not. AFAIK, it's something only Jorn has access to currently. I'm
going to be talking to him soon about getting access to it, or move it
somewhere central or..... well, soon about what to do about websites
stuff in general.

> 5. Quick'n dirty ubuntu breezy packages available from:
> deb ./
> Attn: these are checkinstall packages, so they don't have dependency 
> information.

Fun with breezy. I know Brandon (tseng) is handling all the dapper
stuff, I don't think he's doing backports like this at this point, so

Thanks again for the feedback,


Peter Johanson
<latexer gentoo org>

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