Re: response to linus...?


Fernando San Mart�Woerner wrote:
El s� 17-12-2005 a las 00:53 +1100, Jeff Waugh escribi�>I'm really disappointed that Quim and German aren't on, but everyone who
stood this year was rad in one way or another, so I'm again disappointed
that we've reduced the number of directors.

that was our argument itself, and the results confirm my thought

While I agree 100% with Jeff's opinion (both German and Quim were on my list), I think the argument that the results reduced the variety of the board is a big fat "does not follow".

This year, we have Anne and Vincent Untz as new board members, and in terms of geographic distribution, we've got 2 US, 1 Mexico, 2 France, 1 Denmark and 1 Australia. That's pretty varied. Certainly just as varied as last year.


David Neary
bolsh gimp org

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