Re: Gtk2-Extras

On Tue, 2004-09-21 at 05:15, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
I don't particularly like this, mostly on grounds of all the
social implications. In my opinion, the Gtk2::Ex and ::Simple
names carry too much weight and should be reserved to the
Gtk2-Perl team.

What kind of weight do they carry? In particular I don't understand how
::Simple carries any weight when for instance instead of
Gtk2::Ex::Simple::Dialogs I could use Gtk2::Ex::Dialogs which has
already been suggested by Ross[0] (which BTW is looking better and
better every day) before we even opened the can-o-::Simple::-worms. What
makes ::Simple so special that it has social weight?

Besides, this proposal insists on there never being a or a, only the potential for packages but they can easily
be replaced by bundles if that's your contention.

I'd propose packaging up ::Constants with ::Util in a the
Gtk2-Ex-Util distribution.

That's fine should we go down that route.

Yes. And Bundle::Gtk2::Ex would collect everything from the
namespace. Overall, that keeps everyone out of each other's face.

So, my question is then, A) who maintains the bundle and B) how do we
avoid being in that person's face?

As for the other modules you want to write, it's your call
whether they belong together or should be distributed separately.

*shrugs* I was trying to iron things out with people like Carl that may
be contributing to those modules in some way. Perhaps I should restrict
myself to private emails and stay out of this list's face except when
absolutely necessary?

Let's not overregulate this.

Let's get this done, regulated or not, I need to be packaging and
releasing this week. I don't care anymore if this stuff goes to the
Gnome2/Gtk2 group or just to CPAN with it's own sanctioned name space.
Bickering over small things like this is not where I want to be with
this list and will certainly weigh in on future decisions.

Thanks to everyone who's helped out so far.

Good Day.


Kevin C. Krinke <kckrinke opendoorsoftware com>
Open Door Software Inc.

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