Re: libglade frustration

David NeÄas (Yeti) wrote:
On Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 04:32:19PM -0800, Rick Jones wrote:

I'm not really interested in how library call foo is implemented, I just want to know how to call it do get my work done.

So you want to know how to use it and you intentionally
avoid one of the most efficient ways to learn it.  Well, if
it works for you...

Well, I didn't go tearing-down the engine and transmission in my car, but I still learned how to drive it :)

I agree that if one really, Really, REALLY wants to know not just how something works, but why it works that way, source code is best. Still, that hasn't meant that I was or continue to be able to just tell people asking about netperf to read the source, I still either explain things to them, or make sure I ammend the manual.

rick jones

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