Re: We want task bar back. Pretty please.

thanks Evandro,

I have read the code of conduct, already and have also read Owen's
post.... - I have not been rude, nor was i being sarcastic, or
anything of the like. I have been fairly concise in explaining the
various comments i have made, so i really do not understand why you
are posting this, as a response to my comments.... let me explain, so
there is no further misunderstanding..

1. "WOW! ~ that is not a good sign."

- This is me saying that i am surprised that more gnome-developers
don't follow the list. - nothing more... :)

2. "it seems almost pointless to even have a gnome-shell list then, if
gnome-developers don't even follow it..?!?"

- this was a valid concern as to the usefulness of the gnome-shell
list, not sarcasm.

3. "...and I probably shouldn't have even bothered with my last
comment, being as it will fall on deaf-ears/blind-eyes. - anyone who
really matters anyway.. I guess this list is just like the
GnomeDesktop youtube channel."

this is also stating valid concerns of the usefulness of list that
isn't even followed by the gnome project developers.  and the
comparison to the youtube channel is true. i highly doubt any gnome
developer visits that channel - all commenting has been disabled, on
every video - and the channel hasn't been updated in a while.

I would say please read my comments a little closer, before
insinuating that i am doing something wrong. As i said, no sarcasm
here, im not being rude or anything like that.

thanks again,

cheerz :(


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