Re: [gnome-flashback] Debug-ability; getting gnome-panel 3.8 out

Hi Lanoxx,

wow, that is a weird one. Looking at the backtrace you provided, we see:

Am 28.09.2013 18:24, schrieb Lanoxx:

On 28/09/13 17:42, Lanoxx wrote:
(gdb) backtrace
#0  0x00007ffff56e167c in g_type_check_instance_is_a () from
#1  0x00007ffff56c5386 in g_object_unref () from
#2  0x000000000042f2c9 in panel_find_icon (size=24,
icon_name=<optimized out>, icon_theme=<optimized out>) at
#3  panel_find_icon (icon_theme=<optimized out>, icon_name=<optimized
out>, size=24) at panel-util.c:253

panel_find_icon basically does the following:

        info = gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon (icon_theme, icon_no_extension,
                                           size, 0);

        if (info) {
                retval = g_strdup (gtk_icon_info_get_filename (info));
                g_object_unref (info);

and the g_object_unref segfaults, _after_ gtk_icon_info_get_filename
(info) succesfully ran ?!?

I just build gnome-3.6.2 from git and it works. So the reason must be
that some libary is out of date, even though configure did not
complain about my system. I am building from Ubuntu 13.04 which only
has the gnome 3.6.2 stack.

First, to make sure: Did you build gobject or gtk+ yourself and install
to /usr/lib ? If not, then it's a bug in the code somewhere.
What icon theme are you using ?
What version of GTK+ are you using ?

OK, that part of the code was touched by a cleanup patch since the 3.6.2
release. If you still are on GTK+ 3.4 or 3.6, this might make sense -
this would mean we've unwittingly gained a dependency on GTK+ 3.8. Could
you try with the attached patch ?

If this is the cause, either we need to apply this partial revert, or
bump our GTK+ dependency.

Alberts, what do you think ?


Philipp Kaluza
Ghostroute IT Consulting

Attachment: 0001-Partially-revert-panel-fix-deprecated-warnings-part-.patch
Description: Text Data

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