2009-February Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[gnome-cyr] =?koi8-r?b?8MXSxdfPxCBSaHl0aG1ib3g=?=,
Yuri Myasoedov
[gnome-cyr] =?koi8-r?b?8NLPwszFzcE6IM7FIM3Px9Ugz9TL0tnU2CBwby3G?= =?koi8-r?b?wcrM?=,
Yuri Myasoedov
[gnome-cyr] exit,
Alexandre Prokoudine
[gnome-cyr] gnome-terminal,
Yuriy Penkin
[gnome-cyr] =?utf-8?b?W0Z3ZDogR1RQIC0g0L/QtdGA0LXQstC+0LQgR1Bh?= =?utf-8?q?rted=5D?=,
[gnome-cyr] =?koi8-r?b?78LOz9fMxc7JxSDQxdLF18/EwSBHZWRpdC1oZWxw?=,
[gnome-cyr] =?utf-8?b?0JfQsNC80LXRh9Cw0L3QuNGPINC/0L4g0L/QtdGA?= =?utf-8?b?0LXQstC+0LTRgyBDRCBkaXNjINC4IERWRCBkaXNj?=,
Yuri Myasoedov
[gnome-cyr] =?utf-8?q?NetworkManager=2C_nm-applet_=D0=B8_VPN-?= =?utf-8?b?0LTQvtC/0L7Qu9C90LXQvdC40Y8=?=,
[gnome-cyr] =?utf-8?b?0J7RgtGB0YvQu9Cw0YLRjCDQv9C10YDQtdCy0L4=?= =?utf-8?b?0LTRiyDQsiDRgNCw0YHRgdGL0LvQutGDINC40LvQuCDQt9Cw0LPRgNGD0LY=?= =?utf-8?b?0LDRgtGMINC90LAg0YHQsNC50YI/?=,
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