2010-November Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
Anjuta 2.91.3 released,
Johannes Schmid
ANNOUNCEMENT: gnome-keyring 2.91.3,
Stef Walter
ANNOUNCE: at-spi2 1.91.3 released,
Mike Gorse
GNOME Shell 2.91.3 released,
Owen Taylor
Sergey Udaltsov
gnome-control-center released,
Rodrigo Moya
Announcing Orca v2.91.3,
Joanmarie Diggs
libgnomekbd 2.91.3,
Sergey Udaltsov
Eye of GNOME 2.91.3,
Felix Riemann
Mutter 2.91.3 released,
Owen Taylor
ANNOUNCE: Cheese 2.91.2 released,
daniel g. siegel
GTK+ 2.91.5 released,
Matthias Clasen
GLib 2.27.4 released,
Matthias Clasen
ANNOUNCE: Clutter 1.5.8 (snapshot),
Emmanuele Bassi
gnome-control-center 2.91.3 released,
Rodrigo Moya
ANNOUNCE: tracker 0.9.29 released (unstable),
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=FCrg?= Billeter
ANNOUNCE: Glom 1.19.2,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: GENIUS 1.0.12 the "Recently used" release,
Jiri Lebl
ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 2.91.4,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: Clutter 1.5.6 (snapshot),
Emmanuele Bassi
gnome-control-center 2.32.1 released,
Rodrigo Moya
GNOME 2.32.1 released,
Luca Ferretti
Zenity 2.32.1 Release,
Luis Medinas
libdmapsharing 2.1.9,
W. Michael Petullo
ANNOUNCE: glibmm,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: at-spi2 0.4.1 released,
Mike Gorse
Announcing Orca v2.32.1,
Alejandro Leiva
Eye of GNOME 2.32.1,
Felix Riemann
Quick Lounge Applet 2.14.1 released,
Paolo Bacchilega
goobox 2.2.0 released,
Paolo Bacchilega
gthumb 2.12.1 released,
Paolo Bacchilega
ANNOUNCE GCalctool 5.32.1,
Robin Sonefors
gjs-0.7.7 released,
Owen Taylor
Announce: mousetweaks 2.32.1,
Francesco Fumanti
GNOME Games 2.32.1,
Jason D. Clinton
gnome-settings-daemon 2.32.1 released,
Rodrigo Moya
Rygel 0.8.3 (Suns and Lovers),
Zeeshan Ali (Khattak)
ANNOUNCE: libfolks 0.3.2,
Travis Reitter
Anjuta 2.32.1 released,
Johannes Schmid
ANNOUNCE: tracker 0.9.28 released (unstable),
Martyn Russell
John Palmieri
Rygel 0.9.3 (Die Me, Dichotomy),
Zeeshan Ali (Khattak)
ANNOUNCE: glibmm 2.27.3,
Murray Cumming
gjs-0.7.6 released,
Owen Taylor
libgnomekbd 2.91.2,
Sergey Udaltsov
OCRFeeder 0.7.1a released,
Joaquim Rocha
gnome-control-center 2.91.2 released,
Rodrigo Moya
gnome-settings-daemon 2.91.2 released,
Rodrigo Moya
Anjuta 2.91.2 released,
Johannes Schmid
gtkaml 0.4.1 released,
Vlad Grecescu
GLib 2.27.3,
Matthias Clasen
ANNOUNCEMENT: seahorse 2.91.2,
Stef Walter
ANNOUNCEMENT: gnome-keyring 2.91.2,
Stef Walter
Eye of GNOME 2.91.2,
Felix Riemann
Rygel 0.9.2 (Plan B),
Zeeshan Ali (Khattak)
GNOME Shell 2.91.2 released,
Owen Taylor
[ANNOUNCE] Vala 0.11.2 - Compiler for the GObject type system,
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=FCrg?= Billeter
Brasero 2.91.2,
Philippe Rouquier
Gdl 2.91.2 released,
Johannes Schmid
Announce: mousetweaks 2.91.2,
Gerd Kohlberger
GNOME Color Manager 2.91.2,
Richard Hughes
GNOME PackageKit 2.91.2 released,
Richard Hughes
GNOME Power Manager 2.91.2,
Richard Hughes
Mutter 2.91.2 released,
Owen Taylor
Java ATK Wrapper 0.30.3 released!,
ke wang sun com
ANNOUNCE: Mistelix 0.32 released,
Jordi Mas
gtkaml 0.4.0 released with Gtkon syntax,
Vlad Grecescu
Gnote 0.7.3 released!,
Debarshi Ray
ANNOUNCE: Glom 1.19.1,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: PyGTK 2.22 (and Friends) Windows Installers,
John Stowers
GTK+/MeeGo Handset integration work, call for bids: Deadline,
Bastien Nocera
ANNOUNCE: gtksourceviewmm-2.91.1,
Krzesimir Nowak
ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 2.91.3,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: glibmm 2.27.2,
Murray Cumming
GTK+ 2.91.3 released,
Matthias Clasen
ANNOUNCE: cluttermm 1.1.2,
[Dev] ANNOUNCE: Zeitgeist 0.6,
markus korn
GLib 2.27.2 released,
Matthias Clasen
Mail converted by MHonArc