ANNOUNCE: Glom 1.19.2

*** Glom

With Glom you can design table definitions and the relationships between 
them, plus arrange the fields on the screen. You can edit and search the 
data in those tables, and specify field values in terms of other fields. 
It's as easy as it should be.

More information and screenshots are at

1.19.2 (unstable):

* CSV Import: Actually preview and import the field values.
  (Murray Cumming) Bug #625693 (maximiliano).
* List view: Make the retry option actually work afer entering invalid data.
  (Murray Cumming)
* Details view: Solve some widget layout problems, by using
  Use EggSpreadTable from libegg instead of Glom's own FlowTable widget.
* Build:
  - Remove the gconfmm dependency, because we don't use it.
    (Murray Cumming)
  - Use upstream gettext instead Glib one.
    (Javier Jardón) Bug #631367
  - (Hopefully) solve the timing problems in the import tests, which are
    now active again.
  - Call xmlCleanupParser() because libxml++ does not anymore.
    (Murray Cumming)

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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