Re: [Gimp-user] HATE the new save vs. export behavior

User: uh, I just exported it, oh yeah right exporting is not saving. But it's exported, so my changes are 
safe. Agree!

And this is where your use case is wrong! The whole point of
separating save and export is that ONLY save is "safe".  An export is
NOT guaranteed to be either safe or lossless.  It may be,  depending
on the source image.  Your example exactly demonstrates the purpose of
the new paradigm.

Its wrong because users don't think that way? Not even a chance? :-/ I think they do.

An export is guaranteed to be safe in 98% cases for people not using intermediate xcfs, thus this paradigm 
is irrelevant and confusing for them.

I'd love to know where you got that number from as my experience tells
me otherwise.

- Loading, modifying then saving a jpeg back is never "safe", just
because of jpeg compression, with the possible exception of rotation
and cropping, assuming the software does it correctly.
- Under 2.6, saving in most non xcf file formats would loose many
things  such as saved selections and paths,
- Under 2.6, saving as a psd would loose text layers rasterizing them
instead as well as paths, without a warning,

On top of that, I have read countless posts on many forums that go
along the lines of "I added the text 'I can has z cheezburger' to my
funny picture and saved it.  Now I want to change the text and I can't
select it any more.  Attached is the jpeg.   Help!" or "I spent hours
making a selection so I could make my car purple in this picture but
really wanted it green.  I How do I get that selection back.  Attached
is the jpeg."

Personally, I think that people will always use hammers to pound in
screws, screwdrivers to pry things open, and pry-bars to hammer in
nails, cause it is the tool they happen to have in hand.  A part of
using a tool is learning how to use that tool in the manner it is
intended.  I see the save/export distinction one small way to help
educate users, and make them better users in the long run.

-Rob A>

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