Re: Yes to Publicity! Not to Anonimity! Was: Re: GNOME Foundation Annual Elections - proposal

уторак, 16. септембар 2003. 21:03:47 CEST — Aleksey Sanin написа:
BTW, in addition to anonymous voting I have one more proposal:
                         We need anonymous mailing lists!

See the reasons for that change is exactly the same: John Smith might be afraid to state his opinion in a public mailing list (or vote in "open" voting) thus we need to allow him to express his honest opinion on subject anonymously. This would help to make sure that we collect all the possible options and opinions in the discussion. Including one that "John's boss suggestion is a piece of crap". Anonymous mailing list *is* a requirement, don't you see it?

Again, this seems to me like a really bad analogy.

The "vote" is usually choice on YES/NO, or GOOD/BAD.

So, if you say to your friend: "I think you're wrong here, and here's why... ", it's much different than saying "You're bad for this job" (and lets not forget that "friend" chose to be a candidate because she believes that she *is good* for that job).

And please don't ignore this because "any self-respected person would stick to her belief" (or any similar reason, implicating that someone doesn't have a strong enough personality able to confront all the issues of the world, or whatever; even if it's the case, you're not here to question it -- I don't claim you did this, I'm just avoiding it in front :-). You must recognize that this *is* an issue.

So, with this issue apparent, we've got to find a way to solve it. So far, we have a proposal for anonymous voting.

Anything else?


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