Re: [Evolution] all of my archived emails dissapeared

On Thu, 2018-07-19 at 12:13 -0500, Christopher Marlow wrote:
When you exit a program, why on re launch does EVO remember your last
search? When you exit a program shouldn't that search box cleared
itself out on exit so on next launch you could search for something
else? Instead of displaying what you last searched for, the last time
you launched EVO?

Different people have different use cases, workflows, preferences. :)

For example, when I restart my web browser it shows the tabs I had
opened before closing it. That can either be convenient or unwanted.

I have certain folders that by default only display unread mail and I
appreciate that this filter view is also applied after restarting Evo.

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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