Re: [Evolution] Idealism face plants against asphalt [Was: downloads page]

On Mon, 2013-08-26 at 11:35 -0400, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
There are several websites that allow you to post bounties on project
bugs.  I have bounties on project bugs, including ones on Evolution.
Some have been closed.  

Generally the developer's response is - I don't care.  In the past I've
offered as much as several hundred dollars on a bug, had it closed, and
been told by the developer he didn't care about the bounty.

As a salaried developer of an open source company, it's unclear whether
I'm legally able to collect bounties, as it could easily be *perceived*
(even if not intended) as a form of bribery, which would run afoul of
our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.

Surprisingly, especially at a place like Red Hat, I've not been able to
find an explicit statement on our policy toward bounties, so I've asked
our legal department to clarify.  If and when I receive an answer, I'll
post a follow up so our position is clear.

I would guess past and present employees of other open source companies
have been bound by similar legal uncertainty or restrictions, which may
explain why you didn't get any takers.

Matthew Barnes

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