Re: [Evolution] Problem with reply and other stuff (OT)

On Wed, 2003-02-12 at 02:41, Tony Earnshaw wrote:

He always did that. This time his boss hung him out and that was neither
conducive to sympathy for the boss, nor for Ximian. That's how Jeff felt
too. You may say what you like, but the fellow works his arse off trying
to please people - can't be a great job. As someone else said, the best
thing Ettore could have done, would have been to take him aside for a
pep talk on how to cope with difficult people.
You have a point there. I didn't realize Ettore was his boss (don't pay
too much attention to things like that unless it's absolutely necessary)
but I have to agree that if I got hung out like that in public, I'd be
less than charitable to anyone or anything associated with it. 

Sometimes the best way to deal with difficult people (even if it's just
that you perceive them as difficult) is to step completely out of the
loop and let someone else with a fresh perspective handle it.

Looking at it that way, bailing from the list may be the best thing he
could have done - both for his own sanity and for the company's image.

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