Re: GNOME Feature Proposal: Backup


Michael Terry wrote:
> Though, I've gotten bad feedback about the feasibility of a round-trip
> bzr->git->bzr conversion.  I may start small with just a git mirror.

Just to provide some historical context: I recall one GNOME developer
expressing his annoyance at "having to" sync his private git repository
with svn via a gateway. It would not be unheard of for a maintainer to
develop in another source control system and use some kind of gateway to
publish on

> Of course I think it's possible, but Olav made it clear that the issue
> was settled law.

Leaving aside "because that's the way it is" as a reason for a second,
what are the potential issues we'd have using Launchpad?

* Bug reporters would have to have an easy way to report bugs against
Deja Dup through
* GNOME developers would need to reassign bugs to deja dup which were
incorrectly assigned to another GNOME module
* Deja Dup developers would presumably want to do the same thing in the
other direction

Are there others I'm missing?

Addressing those concretely:
1. We currently have a straightforward story for users with bug reports:
"Go to, create an account, and report it there
against the best module. Don't worry if you get it wrong, we'll reassign
afterwards if you make a mistake." Using Launchpad for a core module
would need either (a) a nice way to sync up bugzilla & launchpad bugs &
comments, or (b) a new way to indicate to users where they should report
a bug (a portal page? Maintenance issues to think about)
2. and 3. What does Launchpad & Bugzilla offer in the way of transfering
bug reports & comments from one to the other?

> A) GNOME devs could deal with it and realize that one more web account
> won't kill them.  The ability to search and reassign bugs to deja-dup
> from within b.g.o don't seem like killer features to me.  It must be
> an issue now with external dependencies and you live with it.

Sure - this is also an approach to consider.

> B) We could have a deja-dup module in b.g.o as well as the canonical
> one in LP.  LP has this cool feature to synchronize comments and such
> between a bug in LP and a bug elsewhere.  It's turned off for b.g.o,
> but it may be possible that it could be turned on per-module.  I'd
> have to look into it.

Something like this (ideally two-way) would be great. And would, I
think, remove the biggest objection to using Launchpad for GNOME modules.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
dneary gnome org

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