Re: Polypaudio for Gnome 2.10, the next steps

Colin Walters <walters redhat com> writes:

>> Trying to guess who is doing what isn't possible, there's too much
>> software in the world, so best to always assume no matter how brain
>> damaged an action is, that somebody somewhere did it. If Polypaudio is
>> used in Fedora then this API would magically start working again, right?
> Well, yes - but I would be against adding in a sound server solely to
> support hypothetical out-of-tree users of this API.

I appear to be using gnome_sound_connection_get() in monster-masher
which is in Gnome CVS and part of the fifth toe. When I wrote sound
support for Monster Masher, it seemed to be the only way to play-back
cached sounds. I'm not sure, though, since the documentation was,
well, ...

Not that I have a problem with porting my code, but it's not a
hypothetical problem.

Ole Laursen

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