Re: [Banshee-List] Compiling under windows

I think I have submitted patches for all of the issues I encountered building Banshee on Windows (so far). Most of them have been applied to the main tree (thanks Gabriel and Bertrand!), except `#639644`_ and `#639808`_. Once those issues get solved, anyone should be able to follow the new `Windows build instructions`_ and end up with a working application.

I have identified a few runtime issues that I will be investigating in the next few days. These are, in no particular order:

* Most of the icons are missing. Those from the "private theme" are not found, and I haven't quite wrapped my head around the lookup procedure for icons not embedded as assembly resources. Possibly related is the notification area icon is missing. * When run inside MonoDevelop, ``libgstreamer-0.10.dll`` can't be found. I suspect this has to do with path search locations, because running the same binary outside of MonoDevelop works fine. * When run outside MonoDevelop, the GTK theme does not apply correctly, so toolbars, sliders, etc. are very ugly. I can produce screenshots if anyone wants to see the difference.

If anyone has any thoughts on any of these, please let me/this list know.

Overall, I think progress is being made. I'd like to thank the Banshee development team again for being so cooperative, as well as the other users on this list that have contributed ideas.

.. #639644:
.. #639808:
.. Windows build instructions:

.. note:: Sorry if this gets posted twice. The list told my my
   screenshots were too big, and one of them was wrong anyway, so I
   canceled the original post.

Dustin C. Hatch

"In the beginning the universe was created. This made a lot of people
angry and has been widely regarded as a 'bad move'."
--Douglas Adams

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