2008-May Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
ANNOUNCE: balsa-2.3.24 released,
Pawel Salek
Bug#247492: balsa: pop defered delete : solved in 2.3.23 or bump ?,
Pierre M.
Bug#483546: balsa: I vote for this upgrade to current upstream,
Pierre M.
mail notification icon not optional,
Geoffrey Leach
balsa-2.3.23-1.fc9.i386 is broken,
Geoffrey Leach
What happened to "Expunge Deleted",
Geoffrey Leach
why cutting headers?,
Ildar Mulyukov
Bug#481095: balsa: Doesn't hide deleted messages in inbox if unread,
Simon Brandmair
Short wishlist,
Johan Brannlund
Strange behavior while accessing Gmail Inbox thought Imap,
Bruno Miguel
Mail converted by MHonArc