2012-July Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[Vala] g-ir-compiler segfaults with valac generated .gir file,
Tobias Quathamer
[Vala] Position of window-popup VALA (GTK 3 ),
Mariano Gaudix
[Vala] vala+automake bug?,
Nor Jaidi Tuah
[Vala] Valabind and nodejs,
[Vala] Libuv bindings,
[Vala] GValue as Generic Type container issue.,
Pál Dorogi
[Vala] Weird behaviour with the Vala Skype status client sample,
Tom Alan
[Vala] Getting results from an async callback,
[Vala] Vala-team PPA packages,
Eric Gregory
[Vala] Uncomplete bindings,
Ivo Kosir
[Vala] Gee.Testcase,
Joseph Montanez
[Vala] Question about foreach and pointers.,
[Vala] Why some macros from GLib are missing in vapi?,
marcin saepia net
[Vala] [Suggestion] New class attribute - Singleton,
Tal Hadad
[Vala] Is there any way to iterate over signal arguments?,
marcin saepia net
[Vala] @see,
David Boesner
[Vala] Warning while casting custom classes,
Stephen Smally
[Vala] R: Unions in Vala,
sejerpz tin it
[Vala] Unions in Vala,
Nadir Sampaoli
[Vala] [ANNOUNCE] Vala 0.17.3 - Compiler for the GObject type system,
Jürg Billeter
[Vala] Seg fault when trying to pass args to gtk_init_check.,
Tal Hadad
[Vala] Mapping unnamed nested structs from C lib to Vala,
[Vala] No way to pass user data to Gtk.ClipboardGetFunc,
Matthew Pirocchi
[Vala] false: #include GirName.h,
David Boesner
[Vala] Contract programming and error messages,
marcin saepia net
[Vala] Accessing a foreign class property,
Paul Marques Mota
Re: [Vala] State of Vala IDEs,
Thomas Jollans
[Vala] EPSILON, MAX etc aren't constants?,
Nor Jaidi Tuah
[Vala] Help with Memory Leak,
Bruce Reidenbach
[Vala] gee version,
andreas graeper
[Vala] interfaces,
andreas graeper
[Vala] How to check if current thread is main thread?,
marcin saepia net
[Vala] Get file name of function,
Rodrigo Cares
[Vala] Call method "on destroy",
Adrian Stern
[Vala] TreeModels, IconViews and Segfaults 2: Why is this code making the program crash?,
Filip Lamparski
[Vala] (no subject),
Adrian Stern
Re: [Vala] sqlheavy?,
Eric Gregory
[Vala] Constructor defined in a Vala class seems not to be called in Python,
Andrea Stagi
Mail converted by MHonArc