[Vala] Call method "on destroy"

So. I got my sample to work. Thanks for your previous input.

Instead of just destroying the window i destroy first the webkit.webview inside of it and then the window 

if (player != null){
    player.stop ();    // only web_view.destroy ();
    player.destroy ();

My question now is if i can put this code inside some kind of methd which automattically gets fired on 
destroy ().
Putting it into the destructor ~Destructor() does not work.

So maybe there is a signal i did not find or i can override the destroy method calling my code first followed 
by the base.destroy() -method.

Whats the way to go with this?

Complete code:

//valac --pkg=gtk+-2.0 --pkg=webkit-1.0 --thread browser.vala && ./browser

using Gtk;
using WebKit;

public class MainWindow : Window {
  WebPlayer player;

  public void run (){
    change_media ();
    Timeout.add (2000, change_media);

  private bool change_media (){
    if (player != null){
      player.stop ();
      player.destroy ();
    player = new WebPlayer ();
    player.start ("http://www.youtube.com/embed/XSGBVzeBUbk";);
    return true;

public class WebPlayer : Window {
  private WebView web_view;

  public WebPlayer (){
    title = "web player";
    name = "window";
    set_size_request (800, 600);
    web_view = new WebView ();
    this.add (web_view);

  public void stop (){
    web_view.destroy ();

  public void start (string url){
    web_view.open (url);
    show_all ();

public static int main (string[] args){
  Gtk.init (ref args);

  var window = new MainWindow ();
  window.run ();

  Gtk.main ();

  return 0;
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