Re: [Usability] Reasoning behind default panel setup?

On 01/11/06 23:53 David Tenser wrote:

> I updated the screenshots to also include the notification area, with
> nm-applet and gnome-power-manager running in it. Also, I purposely
> included the website in the screenshot, to show that not
> even the website is suitable on a 800x600 screen. So don't even try
> that argument. :)
> I also found that a 30px panel worked just as well as the 32px one.
> This reduces the difference between window icons and panel launchers,
> but still makes the icons look better than on a 24px panel.
> The workspace switcher has been moved to give it a more prominent
> location on the panel. If we're trying to educate users to use this
> feature, it shouldn't be hidden on the right side. This makes it as
> visible as the web browser and mail launchers. It's also more logical
> to place it on the left side of the window-list, since you immediately
> see the difference of the list when switching workspace, without
> having to move your eyes to the other side of the screen.
> Finally, I noticed that the first round of screenshots didn't have the
> standard background set, making the bewel border around window-list
> items invisible. This has been fixed now.
> --
> David Tenser

So is there anyone having a comment on the proposed default layout of
the panel?

I think discussing this is important. If not for improving the current
situation, then maybe this discussion will at least help motivate why
things are the way they are at the moment. As I've understood it, there
is no clear, written reason for the default layout.


David Tenser

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