Re: [Usability] Reasoning behind default panel setup?

On Wed, Jan 11, 2006 at 02:54:02PM +0200, Kalle Vahlman wrote:
> On 1/11/06, Thorsten Wilms <t_w_ freenet de> wrote:
> > The switcher gives visibility to this great feature that should not be
> > missed by anyone. Well, if one doesn't do much beyond browsing the web,
> > it's not that important. But for true multitasking and production it's
> > a great helper.
> Exactly. True multitasking and production are not what a typical home
> user will do. Instead hey might get confused about where their windows
> went if they accidentally click on it. I remember my parents having
> trouble with the concept of windows when they started computing,
> adding virtual desktops would not have helped...

And I remember my mother having trouble with the mouse, especialy 
regarding doubleclicking and right-clicking ...
I doubt your home user would not at some point use a browser, 
email, im-client and write a letter in between or edit some picture.
Window management becomes a nightmare without workspaces here.

> And I think the default setup should probably concentrate on home
> users since workplace setups usually have custom configuration adapted
> to the needs and policies of the businness anyway.

There should better be some consensus on this.

Who are the home users anyway? Mom and dad, granny, the kids, 
a highschool kid, a student? I don't think catering to least set 
of skill/knowledge can be the answer, because that can only be 
right for a very small percentage of users. Users that spend the 
least amount of time on the computer, on top of it.

Thorsten Wilms

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