Re: [Usability] Reasoning behind default panel setup?

On 1/11/06, Steve Frécinaux <nudrema gmail com> wrote:
> David Tenser wrote:
> > Let's stop for a second and try to go back to the main subject here.
> > What if I hadn't mentioned that darn workspace switcher, how would you
> > feel about the idea of merging two panels into one?
> BTW, the simple fact of decreasing the default virtual desktop number to
> 2 would keep this functionnality visible and decrease the amount of
> space the switcher uses. This sounds like a quite good compromise.
> But let's stick to the main subject of the thread : did you finally make
> a mockup ? It would be easier to discuss it with some concrete view of
> what your proposal is.

This is what I'm proposing, basically:

I provided screenshots for two different resolutions, 800x600 and
1024x768. For safety, I also provided screenshots with the workspace
switcher included.

The panel is 32px high, which, among other things already mentioned,
makes it possible to use a 2x2 workspace switcher, reducing the width
of it by a factor of 4.

The Show Desktop applet was purpously placed on the far right to make
it an easy target. The actual placement of the other items could of
course be changed. I personally don't like the trash can sitting on my
panel, but let's not remove things at this point. :)

David Tenser

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