2008-October Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[Soylent] Testing out the new mailing list,
Travis Reitter
[Soylent-devel] ANNOUNCE: release: libsoylent v0.5.0 "let's talk about...",
Sven Pfaller
[Soylent-devel] ANNOUNCE: release: libsoylent v0.4.0 "small step, giant leap",
Sven Pfaller
[Soylent-devel] ANNOUNCE: Release: libsoylent v0.2.0 "management qualities",
Sven Pfaller
[Soylent-devel] Release: libsoylent v0.1.0 "the seed",
Sven Pfaller
[Soylent-devel] ANNOUNCE: Soylent 0.1.8,
Travis Reitter
[Soylent-devel] ANNOUNCE: Soylent 0.1.6,
Travis Reitter
[Soylent-devel] Comments on API proposal,
Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen
[Soylent-devel] libsoylent API draft,
Sven Pfaller
[Soylent-devel] Mayanna,
Sven Pfaller
[Soylent-devel] Autofoo patch,
Gilles Dartiguelongue
[Soylent-devel] libsoylent now in SVN repository,
Sven Pfaller
[Soylent-devel] ANNOUNCE: Soylent 0.1.4,
Travis Reitter
[Soylent-devel] Have an announcement list,
[Soylent-devel] [BUG][PATCH] Soylent on 64 bits,
Alban Crequy
[Soylent-devel] ANNOUNCE: Soylent 0.1.2,
Travis Reitter
[Soylent-devel] Hosting Migration,
Travis Reitter
[Soylent-devel] Soylent crashes with last (0.13) version of empathy,
Laurent Bigonville
[Soylent-devel] ANNOUNCE: Soylent 0.1.1,
Travis Reitter
[Soylent-devel] Debian package,
Laurent Bigonville
[Soylent-devel] Compile Error,
Rouslan V. Solomakhin
[Soylent-devel] ANNOUNCE: Soylent 0.1.0,
Travis Reitter
[Soylent-devel] Testing...,
Travis Reitter
[Soylent-devel] test,
Rob Taylor
Mail converted by MHonArc