Re: Title changes and titlebar updates

On Fri, Jan 25, 2008 at 04:33:08AM +0100, Gabor Z. Papp wrote:
> * Harald van Dijk <truedfx gentoo org>:
> | If this is correct, then I think that the only way (short of nasty
> | hacks in sawfish itself) of actually fixing the bug is making *all*
> | themes use (call-after-property-changed '_NET_WM_NAME ...) as well as
> | the 'WM_NAME variant. If you make this change in your theme yourself,
> | does it work any better? In other words, if the microGUI theme does
> |   (call-after-property-changed
> |    '_NET_WM_NAME (lambda ()
> | 			 (rebuild-frames-with-style 'microGUI)))
> |   (call-after-property-changed
> |    'WM_NAME (lambda ()
> | 			 (rebuild-frames-with-style 'microGUI))))
> | does anything change, with or without my change to ensure WM_NAME's hook
> | gets called?
> If I change the theme, the problem gets fixed.

So to avoid breaking a probably substantial portion of existing themes,
should sawfish do something like attached? It's ugly, and it's a hack,
but I believe it's better than breaking themes without notice...
--- sawfish-1.3.2/themes/Crux/theme.jl
+++ sawfish-1.3.2/themes/Crux/theme.jl
@@ -457,4 +457,4 @@
 (add-frame-style 'Crux get-frame)
 ;; recalibrate frames when the window-name changes
-(call-after-property-changed 'WM_NAME rebuild-frame)
+(call-after-property-changed '(WM_NAME _NET_WM_NAME) rebuild-frame)
--- sawfish-1.3.2/themes/microGUI/theme.jl
+++ sawfish-1.3.2/themes/microGUI/theme.jl
@@ -351,5 +351,5 @@
 		       ((shaped-transient) shaped-transient-frame))))
-   'WM_NAME (lambda ()
+   '(WM_NAME _NET_WM_NAME) (lambda ()
 	      (rebuild-frames-with-style 'microGUI))))
--- sawfish-1.3.2/lisp/sawfish/wm/windows.jl
+++ sawfish-1.3.2/lisp/sawfish/wm/windows.jl
@@ -438,9 +438,12 @@
     "Arrange for function FUN to be called with arguments (WINDOW PROPERTY
 STATE) when the X11 property named PROP (a symbol) changes. PROP may also
 be a list of property names to monitor."
-    (setq prop-changes (cons (cons (if (listp prop)
-				       prop
-				     (list prop)) fun) prop-changes)))
+    (setq prop-changes (cons (cons (cond
+	((listp prop) prop)
+	((= prop 'WM_NAME)
+	  (progn (error "(call-after-property-changed 'WM_NAME ...) should probably be (call-after-property-changed '(WM_NAME _NET_WM_NAME) ...); use '(WM_NAME) if you really want only WM_NAME")
+	((t) (list prop))) fun) prop-changes)))
   (add-hook 'property-notify-hook
 	    (lambda (w prop state)

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