Re: Is there anything comparable out-there?

Ian> Since sawfish is GPL, why not savannah?  It is the only community
Ian> development site I can live with.

Janek> They have a wiki farm for software projects? I couldn't find on
Janek> the website

Ian> They don't, that's part of why I like it {:-[]
Ian> Why do you feel we need a wiki?

Janek> Andrea Vettorello tried to get a wiki on freedesktop. So I had
Janek> another suggestion. Well... having a project webpage should help
Janek> to make the project less dead ;)

I see.  Yes, I agree with your last sentence.  However, there's no
reason why the development site (with CVS/svn, downloads etc.) has to be
the same as the wiki site.  They could simply be linked to each other.

This line is completely ham.

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