Is there anything comparable out-there?


I'm a long time sawfish user and it is very sad for me that this
project is more-or-less dead. I'm wondering if it's a matter of time
until we will all have to switch to something else - because some
standard specification will get changed, and sawfish will not longer
cooperate with latest xorg, or anything like that.

A signal that such thing will come in the future is all that
beryl/xgl interface. I sure as hell would like to have assigned
ctrl-shift-mouse_scroll to change the window transparency in sawfish. 
I guess this is not going to happen....

Since I found sawfish 5 years ago I never tried anything else like
metacity or oroborox. They must have improved too. I'm sure of that.

Is there anything comparable with sawfish out there?

Janek Kozicki                                                         |

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