[orca-list] Good list behavior (was Re: Page presentation issues)

Hi All:

I'd like to amplify a bit of what Krishnakant has written. In general, we are a very good list. We strive to be helpful and constructive. Occasionally, some anger, impatience, and frustration can leak through. When relying upon Orca to do your job, however, it's understandable how a regression or missing feature can put your stress level through the roof. But, it's really not appropriate behavior. I'll also be the first to plead mea culpa.

others.  We better stick to improving our software with the help of
the hackers community and do nothing else that starts a flame war.

Agreed - flame wars also fill my inbox, making it take longer for me to get to the important stuff.

aspect can't be ignored.  So please give constructive feedback to help
improve orca

Constructive feedback is the most important thing to do on this list. I work late on Friday nights, early Saturday mornings, sunny Sunday afternoons, etc., because I believe in this project and community. All the other members of the team do so as well.

Personal attacks and non-constructive messages from people only serve to make those sunny days call me away from my keyboard.

Well crafted messages from people who have done some investigation, propose a solution, and try to limit a message to one or two main points, however, keep me engaged and challenged. I can sense the partnership in owning the problem from people like this, helping me with the sometimes overwhelming feeling of the amount of work to do.

well not just for this topic, let's make this mailing list a truely
most civilised list and add value to our own freedom and others.

In general, we all do this, and it makes me happy. Sometimes we just need a general reminder. ;-)

Please also mention if you already found the information you wanted
with the help of flat review key and if you can manage, also mention
which part of the screen renders the info to orca in what situation.
this helps us a lot to find out things much easily.

This is very very important. I'm looking at the WIKI right now, however, and cannot find good content for troubleshooting or analyzing a problem. I think we might need a "I think I have discovered a problem, now what do I do?" page. This page would talk about setting the debug levels, using flat review, how to log a bug, etc. A pointer to the page should probably be visible from at the home page, the configuration/use page, and the FAQ page.

Does anyone want to take a stab at creating this page?


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