Re: [orca-list] Page presentation issues

am Sa 17. Mai 2008 um 10:01:37 schrieb Janina Sajka <janina rednote net>:
Hermann writes:
(I hardly ever use windows so that is why I didn't notice the speed thing)

I don't notice any performance problems in Firefox.

But I do, and I would suggest trying out Windows more extensively before 

What? Are you offering to buy us Windows and JAWS so we can give you our
I don't think your Americans are that poor, so don't talk this way.
Each of you has a Windows, otherwise you were not able to state anything 
about its usefulness/uselessness.
And BTW.: Paying about $800 for Jaws isn't that much, compared with the 
$2500 for a Jaws in Germany, and who complains?!
I think the judgements about MS and FS often are not due to lack of 
experience or lack of money, but simply due to a lot of prejudices in the 
Linux community.
So again my suggestion: Judge things after knowing them, not before.

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