Re: [orca-list] Page presentation issues

On Sat, 17 May 2008, Hermann wrote:

I don't think your Americans are that poor, so don't talk this way.
Each of you has a Windows, otherwise you were not able to state anything
about its usefulness/uselessness.

I use it occationally at school, but don't have a working version at home, so how am I meant to test?

And no I'm not going to buy windows and a licence to test something I don't care about. I use linux, so why do I need to compare it to other operating systems? Wouldn't I be better off helping the project instead of testing out windows and telling the orca developers about this?

And BTW.: Paying about $800 for Jaws isn't that much, compared with the
$2500 for a Jaws in Germany, and who complains?!

I'm in Australia, but $800? Wow, that is a lot for a piece of software. That I hear has lots bugs, all these people complaining about inaccessible apps. So what a waste?
Wouldn't I be better off spending that money on hardware?
That could get me a decent box in Australia.

Anyway, I use linux for everything, documents, emails, web, music, irc, msn, programming and ftp.
So why would I bother with windows?
I'm actually about to delete the windows partition my computer came with.

Daniel Dalton
<d dalton iinet net au>

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