Re: [patch] add remove right-click menu item.

On Thu, 2005-06-23 at 18:48 +0200, Tomislav Vujec wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-06-23 at 12:14 -0400, Dan Williams wrote:
> > Ok, my take on this is that any "primary" connection (ie, one that's
> > actually hardware) should be in the main menu at this time...  So stuff
> > like dial-up still needs to be in the menu, because it needs to have a
> > check-mark by it when it's the active connection.  Eventually we may
> > have a couple different sections, Wired, Wireless, Dial-up, Bluetooth,
> > but that's life for the moment.
> That's more reason to create a dialog, or even a full application window
> for nm. When you left click you get this window, when you right click
> you get quick action menu, something like:
> ----------------------------------------
> Favorite Connections		>
> 	My Home Network (eth0, dhcp)
> 	Some Non-DHCP hole (eth0, static profile)
> 	Starbucks (eth1, dhcp)
> 	Dial up Provider (modem0, isdn)
> 	My UMTS (modem1, ppp)
> 	Stop All Connections

I'm trying really, really hard not to have "profiles" however...  With
some things like modems we really can't get away from that, but each
modem "profile" will show up as a separate distinct connection.


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