Re: [patch] add remove right-click menu item.

On Thu, 2005-06-23 at 12:54 -0400, Dan Williams wrote:
> I'm trying really, really hard not to have "profiles" however...  With
> some things like modems we really can't get away from that, but each
> modem "profile" will show up as a separate distinct connection.

Profiles are a bad thing when you're forced to create one even when you
don't need it. However if they are fairly hidden from the average user,
they can still provide enough flexibility to satisfy advance needs. 

Using favorites is a good way to hide complexity and provide a simple
user interface. You can even put options like "Hide unreachable wireless
networks" and "Automatically populate favorites with a list of reachable

Tomislav Vujec
Manager, Client Development
Red Hat  Otto-Hahn-Straße 20  85609 München-Dornach
Tel +49 89 205071 212 Fax +49 89 205071 111 Cell. +49 172 623 1214

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