Re: [guadec-list] Terms and conditions for registration


El vie, 09-04-2010 a las 14:17 +0200, Dave Neary escribió:
> Anyway - this discussion comes up every year when registration opens,
> please make sure that the €0 option is an exception, and not the rule.

This line is particularly harsh to my third world wallet situation, I'd
rather say "please make sure that the €0 option is available and that
donations for random fees are still encouraged to everyone". :)

> I'm OK with a two-class society where people who pay more get a little
> more and people who pay nothing get a little less. Events cost money,
> and we have to pay for them somehow. I don't want to encourage people to
> think of the code they write or time they spend as payment for stuff
> they get off the foundation. This would be a Very Bad Thing.

The big majority does GNOME stuff because they enjoy it or because they
are payed for it, saying that we might have friends and colleagues
working and sharing time with us only because "they might get something
out of it" is a bit rude and far from reality.

It's not our job to police how honest is people when they sign up, or
ask everyone for explanations when they are working for a GNOME company
but they sign up as 0 €.

Take my case: I work for a GNOME company and I'll sign up for 0 €
because I'm pragmatically and statistically poor.
I use all my earned money to pay for tuition fees at university and when
GUADEC comes to pay for my not-so-cheap visa/s and taxes.

I don't think my sponsorship is "a payment" and I don't think I'm
cheating GNOME or GUADEC organizers. I'm sure others are in the same
situation, no matter how "20+" they are or for whom they work.

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