Re: Gnumeric 1.7.11 for Windows?

On Thu, 2007-02-08 at 22:23 +0100, Pedro Lino wrote:
3) The priorities for win32 are
    a) enable python
    b) fix printing
    c) create an installer
    d) finish automating the build
    in that order.

I would consider the first priority eliminating all bugs that cause the
program to crash and then add new features.

Funny: you did mention the inability to create graphs. Since that is not
a crash it is just a feature request. I don't think anybody is knowingly
keeping crashers in the program. (I am supporting hundreds of gnumeric
users so crashers aren't very acceptable for me.) But to fix it you have
to crash it first. I wouldn't even know where to find an MS Windows
machine to check for such a crash. 


Andreas J. Guelzow, Professor
Dept. of Mathematical & Computing Sciences
Concordia University College of Alberta

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