Re: Using dsum across sheets

On Sun, 2004-01-25 at 15:35, Mike Perry wrote:
Thus spake Andreas J. Guelzow (aguelzow taliesin ca):

On Sun, 2004-01-25 at 14:07, Mike Perry wrote:
Ugh... So there's no hack that can be done to get the elements in this
row into a column then (maybe via Lookup, et al)? I just have to keep
it in a row? That's not so nice..

I'm not averse to writing a python plugin or something to get this done,
but I'd need a hint on the right direction I'd want to head in with

I must have missed the beginning of this thread, but what exactly are
you trying to accomplish?

The beginning of the thread has appeard on the archives:

I guess replacing sleep with helping a dog having puppies did affect my

I've run into another problem, though. It seems as though there is no
Time type that can easily represent large amounts of elapsed time..
Something that could do days, hours, minutes would be nice. Or maybe
even a way to lift the 0-23 restriction on the hours portion of hh:mm?

[h]:mm should do it

Oh, and one more question, instead of saying JobTranspose!$A1$1:$Z$3, is
there a shortand to select the whole table in a range?

you could define a name to refer to that table and then use the name

Prof. Dr. Andreas J. Guelzow
Dept. of Mathematical & Computing Sciences
Concordia University College of Alberta

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