[Gimp-user] Gimp channel mixer

You have every right to be confused.

The situation is:

ufraw is old and not updated - last release 2015. Apart from that, due
to code changes (file-raw-placeholder) the plugin does not work with
Gimp 2.9.6

An updated re-mix nufraw https://sourceforge.net/projects/nufraw/ is
more recent but AFAIK there is no compiled-for-windows plugin there.
This code also needs updating to work with Gimp 2.9.6

For Windows Gimp 2.9.6 from www.gimp.org it is a vanilla version with

Partha's Windows Gimp 2.9.6 standard edition does include a working
nufraw that will import a RAW image into Gimp from Gimp's open

Thankyou for shedding some light on this, I think I will continue as I was,
exporting a TIFF from NX2  and opening that in GIMP.

Now that the source of the rogue thumbnail has been found, it's a simple matter
to just delete it's layer and carry on. It does not appear to cause any problems

Oxonian (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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