Re: [Gimp-developer] Cross-application work-flows and document file formats

> Von: Alexia Death <alexiadeath gmail com>
> Yes, we do intend to keep the ui layer based, but inside it will be a
> graph, one that is modified by default as layers and operations on
> those layers. But we fully intent to store the graph and not the
> facade for further editing.

And IIRC we even discussed the possibility that XCF - in its present form - may become a format that can only be imported and exported, and not saved.

Whatever GIMP's capabilities will be, we won't let any file format limit us - not even our own.

I can even imagine a version of GIMP that doesn't need an explicit Save method anymore - because no image data is saved in a heavy-weight file, only the edits and adjustments, and you will be able get Exports/Snapshots (or whatever you may call them) from any point and any time in the processing graph.

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