Re: Feedback request: spending Foundation money

On 20 September 2017 at 22:57, Alexandre Franke <afranke gnome org> wrote:
Taking my board member hat off here and commenting as a foundation member.

On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 3:47 PM, Richard Hughes <hughsient gmail com> wrote:
When we were arranging the gnome-software hackfest last year we had
huge problems trying to get sponsorship for a non-GNOME foundation
member. In the end Canonical paid for the travel and hotel (thanks!)
for this person but it was slightly embarrassing how long things took
to sort.

I agree, we should consider a procedure for “invited experts”. The
current guidelines expect that sponnsorship applicants either are or
paln to become foundation members, but we’ve had valid cases where we
wanted to have someone because they were relevant to the specific
topic of a hackfest yet weren’t really on their way to become
foundation members. This should be acknowledge somehow.

The TC does assign sponsorship to non-foundation members who are core
participants at hackfests and conferences. Those applicants are
expected to explain in their application why they should be sponsored,
same as everyone else.

For the specific case that you mention, could you please ping me in
private about who this was? I looked through the TC records and logs,
and cannot see any requests at all for that hackfest. I am curious
about what happened there.

There was an idea floating around when I was on the board for some
funds to be put towards hackfests which are of interest to other
groups outside of GNOME. I hope that this will still happen.

For things like hackfests it would also be nice to have a
"team dinner" or some kind of team-building thing as part of the
sponsorship, not just some super cheap hotel and economy flights.

Event organizers are encouraged to seek sources of sponsorship outside
of the GNOME Foundation and we’ve had success in this regard so far. I
can remember drinks or dinner being funded by corporate sponsors at
several GNOME events I attended, and I think this is a good way to
handle this.

I have asked the board to help me previously with finding sponsors for
hackfests that I had organised and did not get any response or help.
Is the board more proactive about providing support to hackfest
organisers now? Or is it expected that organisers search for
sponsorship on their own?

Alexandre Franke
GNOME Hacker & Foundation Director
foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list gnome org

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